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We are a sounding board of peers who aim to stretch our imaginations for how we might join God’s work through our philanthropy, our investments, and our lives.

A well-planned, intentional strategy for your giving can make all the difference. At NCF, our heart is to help generous people like you create a Giving Strategy based on biblical principles that empowers you to be more faithful, generous, and fully alive. If you want to give with more impact, cultivate unity in your family, and leave a legacy of generosity, let’s start a conversation.

Generous Giving’s mission is to spread the message of biblical generosity in order to grow generous givers, especially among those entrusted with much. Founded in 2000 by The Maclellan Foundation, it was launched with a vision to stir a renewed, spirit-led commitment to generosity among followers of Christ through conversation.
Today, we host conversations about God and money in an environment that never asks you for donations or anything in return.
These experiences have led thousands to experience renewed purpose, stronger families, passionate marriages, and deeper relationships with God.

Leadership Network has held a historic, unique, and critical purpose in the development of thought leaders for the Christian Church and in catalyzing the megachurch movement of the past 35 years. Since 1985, Leadership Network’s role has been to “convene leadership conversations and foster innovative movements that seek to activate the Church to 100X impact thereby transforming the world.”

When debt isn’t holding you back, nothing can stop you from living the life of your dreams (yeah, that one you’re thinking about right now). And here’s the good news: You can get there. You just need a plan that works.
That’s what you’ll find in Financial Peace University. FPU is the nine-lesson course that teaches you the step-by-step plan—aka the Baby Steps—to pay off debt fast and save more money for your future.
Stuffy financial classes? Not here. FPU is full of energy, easy-to-understand lessons, and real-life examples of people just like you who have taken control of their money. For good.
Dave Ramsey’s been teaching commonsense, biblical money principles for over 25 years. And they work. Every time. Just ask the nearly 10 million people who’ve taken FPU and never have to worry about money again.